A walk is a journey – your life’s journey. The Psalms record the walk of Israel through its songs and poetry. They are a wonderfully ordered collection. Psalm Walk collects commentary from diverse sources on each Psalm, sets Psalms to song, collects Psalmody and offers podcasts and study guides for local Bible Study groups in your church as a growing online community. Connect locally or online. Let’s walk together. Click on the photo to the right to see our last recorded event, or join us every Tuesday Night at 6:45pm EST for our next YouTube Live Stream Event. Or start or join a group using the “Join Now” link below.
Join Us Every
Tuesday 6:45 EST
on YouTube Live
Upcoming Live Stream Tu 6:45 EST 12/17 | Previously Recorded Live Stream
Our journey begins with Psalm 1. We allow at least a month to learn each Psalm by heart and consider each passage. Why rush? We start by setting each Psalm to a melody. We also provide links to many commentaries and open up community discussions. All denominations are welcome to join.
A little bit about how we plan to regenerate music from the time of Adam through Jesus.
We start with music designed for personal walks thoughtfully set to an ancient style without instruments.
We will crowd source and invite the online community to help us arrange music designed for new congregational worship based on the Psalms in an unprecedented collaboration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“…Revival is coming…”
Robert Rogers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I appreciate your depth….”
Stanley Furlough
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“…Thank you all for everything you do…”
Nancy Stigall
Social media
To start a local life group, meet fellow Psalm Walk enthusiasts online
Workbooks are designed for personal journaling. Bring back what the Lord is showing you to the group. Your friends will grow from your insights. Bond together in divine love.